bingung mau kemana?
tadi mau ke teko sendiri gak tau kenapa lagi mau sendiri jalan"nya gitu apa lagi klo udah di beliin motor pasti dah jalan sendiri mungking gw mau ngerenungin smuanya -,---- soalnya perasaan gw gk enak banget dari tadi malem sampe sekarang :P
trusss angel ngajakin jalan jalan tapi ida ngerjain tugas dulu,gw bantuin ahh.. ;) hahaha
trusssss gak tau lagi dah -,--- ada yang mau ngasih saran?
Rabu, 31 Maret 2010
judulnya adalah reflek gw saat liat aji -,---------------------------------- jadi ceritanya gini kan riri sama ane main ke rumah gw nah pass mau pulang alul sama maman dateng si alul mau nanya ke riri gitu dah -,-- nah gw di introgasi sama maman :P yang ini lah yang itu lah mana tadi gw di permalukan dengan gw salah ngomong dan semuanya ketawa setiap gw ada yang salah semua pada KETAWA -,--- (sabar eke mah) truss maman nanya gini ke gw ehh klo lo balikan lagi sama aji mau gk? gw h gk mau dari pada gw sakit hari lagi!truss rirkan kyk biasa (mupeng gitu dah) nah si maman nanya lagi gimana klo lo diajak gitu sama aji ya gw gk mau lah truss maman lagi lagi nanya truss klo lo di ancem putus sama dia? dengan gampangnya gw jawab brarti dia pacaran sama gw cuma ada maunya doang :P truss tadinya riri mau di anterin pulang tapi ririnya malu malu anjing -,--- haha oke abiss itu gw nganterin riri sama anne pulang sebelu tuh gw ke rumah jati dulu soal kangen pengen ngeliat etu :)))) dah gitu kita maen kan kerumah risti nah pass lagi nyari nyari gw ngeliat mamankan main nah belok dah tuh kita ngikutin gitu dehhh dari belakang,haha begonya sebellom tuh gw papasan sama aji dan gw ngereflek gara gara liat muka tuh orang :P dan gw teriak gini SABAR GW MAH SABAR! bego banget gw dan gw langsung ngebut.. akhirnya ketemu juga dah rumha dut risss nah pas lagi di depan rumah dutriss kayknya di maman mau main ke rumah aji tapi gara- gara gw ada di depan rumah dutriss dia langsung lurus lagi dah -,--- baguslah jadi gw gk perlu liat muka lo :P trusss ngobrol bentarrr dah cabut lagi dah pas udah nganterin riri ampe rumah gw nganterin annekan nah dijalan gw ceritaa sama anne tentang reflek gw itu katanyaaa anne dari cara gw ngereflek gitu katanya tuh gw masih sakit hati dan yang anne bilang itu bener banget... gw selama di jalan bengong sambil mikirin tuh kata kata dan kata anne klo gw tuh lagi sakit hati nah sekarang yang gw bingung gimana caranya buat ngilanging rasa sakit hatinya itu? ada yang tau ask me!
Senin, 29 Maret 2010
cherly cole-Fight For This Love
Hmmmm, oh
Too much of anything can make you sick
Even the good can be a curse
Makes it hard to know which road to go down
Know when too much can get you hurt
Is it better, is it worse
Are we sitting in reverse
It’s just like we’re going backwards (backwards)
I know where I want this to go
Driving fast but let’s go slow
What I don’t want to do is crash, no
Just know that you’re not in this thing alone
There’s always a place in me that you can call home
Whenever you feel like we’re growing apart
Let’s just go back, back, back, back, back to the start
Anything that’s worth having is sure enough worth fighting for
Quitting’s out of the question
When it gets tough gotta fight some more
We gotta fight, fight, fight, fight, fight for this love x3
If it’s worth having it’s worth fighting for
Now everyday ain’t gonna be no picnic
Love ain’t no walk in the park
All you can do is make the best of it now
Can’t be afraid of the dark
I don’t know where we’re heading
I’m willing and ready to go
We’ve been driving so fast
We just need to slow down and just roll
We gotta fight, fight, fight, fight, fight for this love x3
If it’s worth having it’s worth fighting for
Too much of anything can make you sick
Even the good can be a curse
Makes it hard to know which road to go down
Know when too much can get you hurt
Is it better, is it worse
Are we sitting in reverse
It’s just like we’re going backwards (backwards)
I know where I want this to go
Driving fast but let’s go slow
What I don’t want to do is crash, no
Just know that you’re not in this thing alone
There’s always a place in me that you can call home
Whenever you feel like we’re growing apart
Let’s just go back, back, back, back, back to the start
Anything that’s worth having is sure enough worth fighting for
Quitting’s out of the question
When it gets tough gotta fight some more
We gotta fight, fight, fight, fight, fight for this love x3
If it’s worth having it’s worth fighting for
Now everyday ain’t gonna be no picnic
Love ain’t no walk in the park
All you can do is make the best of it now
Can’t be afraid of the dark
I don’t know where we’re heading
I’m willing and ready to go
We’ve been driving so fast
We just need to slow down and just roll
We gotta fight, fight, fight, fight, fight for this love x3
If it’s worth having it’s worth fighting for
Minggu, 28 Maret 2010
Jumat, 26 Maret 2010
gak bisa ngartiin perasaan kakak :((((
kakak emang masih kecil tapi bukan berati harus nurutin kemauan mamie sepenuhnya termasuk nginep di rumah nenek :P kakak tuh bosen klo di rumah nenek di ruma aja gak punya temen apa lagi di rumah nenek tambah madesu klo mami mau nginep yan ginep aja sama ade,dll kakak GAK MAU IKUT! maksa banget sih smua kemauan mama selalu dan harus dan wajib di turutin. nginep rumah temen aja gak boleh apa lagi gak ikut mamie nginep aku gak mau! aku slalu pengen nolak tapi ujung ujungnya TETEP IKUT! klo liburan kemana gitu aku mau tapi klo kerumah nenek BOSEN! mending disana bisa ol atau jalan-jalan i mah boro" madesu iyaaaaa penegn banget gw sekali sekali nginep di rumah temen tapi tetep aja mamie gk ngijinin! kakak tau kakak gak bisa nurutin semuanya.. tapi kakak pengen ngerasain nginep di rumah temen semalem aja maaaa.. udah pernah minta ijim malah di ceramahin sama mamie! pasti mamie slalu bilang kakak tuh klo udah di kasih minta lagi dan w sering di bilang ngelunjak :P klo emang iya kenapa namanyaj juga ghassani nabilah ang bukan anak kesayangan mamie sama papie. cuma anak yang kayak boneka yang bisa di suruh ini itu dan bla bla bla bla bla bla bla. malesss dah gw klo gini teruss rasanyapengen kelluar dari rumah,dan bebas kemana aja yang gw suka! kakak gak mau iut karna maless dan mau main sama cika dan satu lagi karna pacar yang ngegantungi kakak ma! :'(
GANTUNG-melly goeslaw
Ku harus menemui cintaku
Mencari tahu hubungan kita
Apa masih atau tlah berakhir
Kau menggantungkan hubungan ini
Kau diamkan aku tanpa sebab
Maunya apa ku harus bagaimana
Sampai kapan kau gantung
Cerita cintaku memberi harapan
Hingga mungkin ku tak sanggup lagi
Dan meninggalkan dirimu
Detik-detik waktu pun terbuang
Teganya kau menggantung cintaku
Bicaralah biar semua pasti
Tentunya hubungan cinta denganmu
Membuat ku sakit
Hingga mungkin ku tak sanggup lagi
Dan meninggalkan dirimu
Mencari tahu hubungan kita
Apa masih atau tlah berakhir
Kau menggantungkan hubungan ini
Kau diamkan aku tanpa sebab
Maunya apa ku harus bagaimana
Sampai kapan kau gantung
Cerita cintaku memberi harapan
Hingga mungkin ku tak sanggup lagi
Dan meninggalkan dirimu
Detik-detik waktu pun terbuang
Teganya kau menggantung cintaku
Bicaralah biar semua pasti
Tentunya hubungan cinta denganmu
Membuat ku sakit
Hingga mungkin ku tak sanggup lagi
Dan meninggalkan dirimu
Kamis, 25 Maret 2010
gak tau deh -,-
gw juga bingung tadi gw adu bacot sama dia meskipun tadi bukan gw yang sms tapi belbol yg pura" jadi gw.. yang gw bilang klo dia suka sama orang bener tapi kata dia itu dulu. tapikan tetep aja coy! pas adu bacot sama dia panjang lebar huawwwwwww sabar aja beee dah :P tadi istirahat ke2 dia mau ngomong sama gw tapi kelamaan jadinya ddah bell dan dah pada di suruh masuk dah -,---- tadi gw tanya tadi kenapa de dia jawab mau minta maaf :P gw jawab aja ohh trus bilang mau tidur gara" cape (?) ngibul banget dah pas gw tanya dutris si tetangganya katanya dia lagi maen sama tio sama emir, tuh yang namanya tidur? maen mah maen aja gak usah ngibul kali sama gw, gimana gw mau percaya gitu doang lo boong apa lagi yang laennya bisa lebih parah.. gw lebih suka lo jujur dari pada lo boong bikin gw sakit hari tau!
Rabu, 24 Maret 2010
kayaknya mau putus deh -,--
dia gak niat kali pacaran sama gw dia dah punya yang baru kali sampe sampe pacarnya di cuekin -,--- gw bilang gini karna perasaan gw gk enak banget semalem gw gk sms sama dia gw sms gak di bales sama dia akhirnya gw curhat aja sama tetangganya tuh gw cerita yang status hubnya dia singel kan dia bilang ke farah karna kakaknya ternyata enggak kakaknya sama nyokapnya tau klo dia pacaran! oke itu yang pertama truss kata tetangganya nanti dia mau nyuruh aji buat ngomong sama gw (mending berani) taualh gw terserah aja sama dia klo emang dia punya masalah cerita dong jangan di tutupin gini!kemaren dia main kerumah pacarnya ari :P gwnya di kemaniin woy!!!!!! mungkin dia kayak gini udah dapet yang lebih baik lebih cantik lebih perhatian lebih sayang lebih lebih dari gw! cape gw diginiin gw udah sabar,mau lo apa? PUTUS? yaudah klo itu yang terbaik buat lo.
berubah :(
dia mulai berubah waktu dia ganti status di fb jadi singel,gw bingung dong kenapa ahirnya farah nanya sama aji katanya gara" kakaknya bikin fb gitu dah dan pss dia masuk pp dan sering nongkrong sama temen temen barunya,semenjak itu dia berubah banget dia juga udah jarang ngumpul sama anak 72 dan dia juga berubah sama gw! tuh yang bikin gw nangis tadi di tman slang klo emang udah dapet temen baru oke tpi temen lama juga dong.. dan perubahan itu juga ke gw.. klo emang gw punya salah sama lo gw minta maaf ! gw bingung mau bilang apa lagi yang jelas dia beurbah dia udah lupa sama dia yang dulu :'(
Selasa, 23 Maret 2010
23 maret 2010
sebelom berangkat sekolah nulis blog dulu ahahha dah selesai berangkat sekolah dah :P (smua orangj uga tau kali) hahhahaha pas kayak gitu sebelom off kan gw buka frofilnya aji dan statusnya dia singel (?) nah lo ada pa kah dengan aji? akhirnya istirahat ke 1 apa ke dua gitu omasto nanya ke aji katanya kakaknya punya fb dan dia kayk gimana gitu paling takut diledekin :P hahahahah kayak gw sama adek gw... tapi hari ini biasa aja gak ada spesialnyaaaa tadinyam u kerumah aji buat ngambil DASI yang dibetak dia gak jadi dah gara" ujan (menyebalkan) truss katanya dia dasi gw juga gk tau kemana :P truss ampe sekarang sms gw gk di bales dah sama tuh anak :P
Senin, 22 Maret 2010
22 maret 2019
sebenernya nulisnya tanggal 23 psgi psgi sebelom berangkat sekolah hahahah biar lahhh... tau gak kemarenkan gw puasa,percaya tidak kau? tapi enak ahh gw gk laper paling auss doang pas pelajaran senbud kesabaran gw di coba gw lagi ngobrol sama cika ehhh tuh si guru ( bu atin) ngomelin gk jelas seperti biasa dia curhat katanya dia gk suka anak yang sok pinter,sok kaya,sok sok sok sok sok sok aja smua emang gw sok pinter, gw mah bego buuu emang gw kaya enggak gw mah sederhana :P iya dah bu yang paling oke -,--- oke pelajaran di lanjutin tapi sumpah demi apapun gw ngantuk bangettttt mungkin karna lemess panasnyaaaaaaaa gak nahan ditegor lagi dah gw sama tuh guru :| pake nyebutin nama gw salah lagi les baca dulu buu baru ngajar bodo ahhhh akhirnyaaaa selesai juga tuh pelajaran cika narik gw minta temenin ke toilet karna udah kebelet banget banget,hahahaha untung gk pake acara kepentok meja (karna dah biasa banget) sippppp dah istirahat seperti biasa ngumpul sama anak jybangkerr :)) kayaknyaa bell istirahat ke-2 agak cepet (apal aja dah lo bell) pelajaran terakhir gak ada guru seperti biasa kita cabut kan kelas 87 kosong karna anaknya pada belajar di musholaaa gw,cika,ratih,riri,sama belbol di sana yang kocaknya tuh belbol di konciin dan dia nyoba loncat dari jendela gara" gk di bukain pintu setiap dia mau lincat lewat jendela kita buka pintunya pas nyamperin kiat tutup dah ;) karna udah kesel akhirnya belbol loncat juga dari jendela... sebanernya mau nulis lagi tapi udah kehabisan kata -kata (jielahhhh) dah yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa see you again my secret soulmate ;))))
tom felton :))
Thomas Andrew "Tom" Felton[1] (born 22 September 1987)[2] is an English actor and musician. He is best known for playing the role of Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter film series, the movie adaptations of the best-selling Harry Potter fantasy novels by author J. K. Rowling, for which he auditioned at age twelve.
Felton started filming in commercials when he was eight years old and in films at the age of ten, appearing in The Borrowers and Anna and the King.[3] After being cast as Draco Malfoy he has subsequently appeared in all six Harry Potter films, from 2001 to 2009, and is filming the last two.[4][5] A fishing aficionado, he helped form the World Junior Carp Tournament, a "family-friendly" fishing tournament.[6]
Rihanna | |
Rihanna on AMA's red carpet in 2009. | |
Background information | |
Birth name | Robyn Rihanna Fenty |
Born | February 20, 1988 (1988-02-20) (age 22) |
Origin | Saint Michael, Barbados |
Genres | R&B, pop, reggae |
Occupations | Singer, songwriter, dancer, model |
Years active | 2005–present |
Labels | Def Jam/SRP |
Website | Signature |
In 2005, Rihanna released her debut studio album, Music of the Sun, which peaked in the top ten of the Billboard 200 chart and features the Billboard Hot 100 hit single "Pon de Replay". Less than a year later, she released her second studio album, A Girl Like Me (2006), which peaked within the top five of the Billboard albums chart, and produced her first US number one hit single, "SOS", as well as Billboard Hot 100 top ten entries "Unfaithful" and "Break It Off". Rihanna's third studio album, Good Girl Gone Bad (2007), peaking at number two on the Billboard 200, featured five top ten hits including three US number one hit singles—"Umbrella", "Take a Bow" and "Disturbia"—and the worldwide hit "Don't Stop the Music". The album was nominated for nine Grammy Awards, winning Best Rap/Sung Collaboration for "Umbrella," which features Jay-Z.[3][4] Her fourth studio album, Rated R, was released in November 2009. Its first three singles, "Russian Roulette," "Hard" and "Rude Boy," peaked within the top ten of the Billboard Hot 100 joining with Beyonce for the female artist with the most top ten hits in the United States since 2000.
Rihanna has received several accolades, including the 2007 World Music Awards for World's Best-Selling Pop Female Artist and Female Entertainer of the Year, as well as the 2008 American Music Awards for Favorite Soul/R&B Female Artist and Favorite Pop/Rock Female Artist.[5][6] Rihanna has attained six Hot 100 number one singles, becoming the female artist with the most number ones attained within the 2000s.[7] She also serves as one of Barbados' honorary cultural ambassadors.[8] In January 2010, Rihanna received two Grammy Awards for Jay-Z's 2009 single "Run This Town", bringing her total number of Grammys won to three.[9]
Volume 65 of the Contemporary Black Biography book series notes that "Rihanna is the rare rhythm and blues (R&B) diva to emerge from the Caribbean world."[89] Becoming an international sensation, Rihanna is known for blending R&B with Caribbean music, such as reggae and dancehall.[90] Peter Coulter of the Antrim Times commented that "[Rihanna] has an amazing voice which showed during her acoustic set, she just needs to work on her audience engagement during live shows."[91] At the time of her debut, reviewers referred to her as a "bubblegum queen"[92] and her music to "teen pop."[93] Larry Meyler of The Sun stated that "Rihanna going bad is very good" and that she had "[shaken] off any "teen pop" image as she rocked the stage."[93] While performing at the Ottawa Bluesfest in 2006, Denis Armstrong of Canadian Online Explorer commented on her performance saying "her show was a Disney-esque choreographed fantasy of non-stop hip-swivelling, sassy attitude and personal endearments and a string of funky, sugar-free hits."[92] After revealing a new image while headlining her first tour, she was likely to be criticize for her tight leather outfit during each show.[94] A review in The Times compared Rihanna's stage wardrobe styling to that of Janet Jackson. He also described her outfit as "a vision of Ann Summers couture in thigh-high boots and a few scraps of black PVC."[95] However, Stuart Derdeyn of The Province commented that "even with the whole haute couture B&D clearly firing on all points, she's still got a ways to go to become the new Janet Jackson."[96]
Music and themes
Rihanna's musical style has changed during the release of her last three albums. She was originally marketed as a reggae singer since she burst on scene in 2005, with a styles of pop, R&B and dancehall. Her music also include various styles of musical genres, including contemporary R&B, dance-pop, pop rock and the Caribbean music styles of reggae and dancehall.[97] With the release of her debut album Music of the Sun and its lead single "Pon de Replay", Jason Birchmeier of Allmusic described Rihanna's musical style as "synthesize Caribbean rhythms and beats with standard-issue urban dance-pop: Caribbean-inflected urban, if you will."[98] Rihanna is also described as utilizing "dancehall-lite beats and a reggae vocal cadence."[98] NME describes the singer as a "heady mix of dancehall, reggae and contemporary R&B."[99] During the release of her sophomore album, many critics felt that Rihanna's sound and substance was too heavily similar to that of Beyoncé's.[100][101][102] The media even made negative reviews comparing her music,[103] music videos, performances[104][105] and even her image to Beyoncé,[106] which garnered Rihanna much criticism.[107] Some media even claimed that Jay-Z fashioned her to be a replica of Beyoncé.[105][108] Barry Walters of Rolling Stone considers Rihanna's A Girl Like Me to be "lightweight dancehall and R&B jams."[109] After the release of Good Girl Gone Bad, Allmusic's Andy Kellman credits Rihanna to be "as pop as pop gets."[110] Kelefa Sanneh of The New York Times described her hit "Umbrella" as a lightweight pop confection with a heavy hip-hop backbeat, a breezy love song enriched by those unexpectedly goth-sounding keyboards and by the incongruous hint of anguish in Rihanna’s girlish voice.[111]Her debut album featured a refreshing touch from pop veterans Evan Rogers and Carl Sturken of Syndicated Rhythm productions, who first discovered her. Carl Sturken and Evan Rogers have collaborated with Rihanna many times, including with her debut single "Pon de Replay", which helped launch her career with the tradition of reggae and dance pop and also collaborated on her sophomore album. Rihanna then enlisted into the pop and contemporary R&B working with music producer Stargate and singer-songwriter Ne-Yo on "Unfaithful"[36] and sampling the key section, bass line, and drum beat from Soft Cell's 1981 single "Tainted Love" on "SOS".[112] The concept of her third studio album was to head in a new direction with the help of music producers Timbaland, and Sean Garrett, and also to re-imagine her album compositions[113] with fresh, uptempo dance tracks.[36] While recording the album, Rihanna stated that she wants to keep people dancing but still be soulful at the same time.[36] She then commented "You feel different every album, and [at] this stage I feel like I want to do a lot of uptempo [songs]."[36] She also began taking voice lessons from Ne-Yo for the third album. With songs like "Kisses Don't Lie" and "Shut Up and Drive", her music style became more pop rock oriented.[25] Unlike Music of the Sun or A Girl Like Me, her third album contained a more dance-pop sound[114] and less of the dancehall, reggae and ballad styles of her previous albums.[115] She has included various styles of music from uptempo pop-reggae with "Pon De Replay", to an 80's new wave fueled club banger "SOS" to the whiff of gothic horror in a love song "Unfaithful". Most of her love subject ballads contain a mid-tempo pop sound, with an R&B influences that uses of a gently strummed acoustic guitar with the production of Stargate and the songs written by Ne-Yo.[26] Some of her up-tempo dance-pop songs include production from Carl Sturken and Evan Rogers, Christopher "Tricky" Stewart and J. R. Rotem.[116] She has also taken to the music industry tradition of sampling songs from other artist like Soft Cell's "Tainted Love" on "SOS",[112] New Order's "Blue Monday" on "Shut Up and Drive" and '70s original song "Soul Makossa" of Manu Dibango with a part of the chorus from Michael Jackson's "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'" on "Don't Stop the Music".
One of Rihanna's major influences and idols is Mariah Carey, whose song "Hero" she covered while performing at a school talent show. She says, "I looked up to [Mariah] a lot and I still do. I admire her as an artist, and to [compete with her] was a moment I will never forget for the rest of my life.[117] Rihanna also considers Madonna as one of her biggest influences and said that she wants to be the "black Madonna". She mentioned that she respects Madonna's ability to reinvent herself and aspires to be just as successful.[118] Beyoncé Knowles has also been named as her major influence,[119][120] citing that she was inspired to start her career after watching Knowles on television as part of a Destiny's Child performance .[121] Her other musical influences include Bob Marley, Alicia Keys[122] Whitney Houston, Destiny's Child, Celine Dion,[123] Brandy,[124] and Gwen Stefani.[125] Her music also contains strong influences of caribbean music and says that it has influenced her tremendously. Her friend and former Island Def Jam record label artist Fefe Dobson was someone that she admired and looked up to, having a fellow artist writing, singing, and performing the music she truly loves.[126][127] In a interview, Rihanna stated, that while growing up in Barbados, she grew up listening to reggae music and when she came to the United States she was exposed to many different types of music.[128]Videography
Jon Bream of the Star Tribune commented "[i]n the tradition of Madonna and Janet Jackson, Rihanna has become the video vixen of the '00s ... Rihanna has perfected the pout, the long-legged strut and trend-setting hairdos that keep women and men alike checking her out on YouTube."[129] George Epaminondas of InStyle considers Rihanna's music videos to be "cinematic" due to her "blend of lush island rhythms and swinging pop and ... mischievous sensuality."[130] Rihanna commented that Marilyn Monroe and vintage clothing served for visual inspiration for the music video "Hate That I Love You" and "Rehab"; in contrast, the "dark, creepy" scenes of "Disturbia" have drawn comparison to Michael Jackson's Thriller.[129][131] The music video also ranked number five on the "Top Five Most Paranoid Music Videos" published by MTV Buzzworthy.[132]Style and image
New York magazine described Rihanna's early look as a cookie-cutter teen queen and that she has the ability to shift looks so dramatically and with such ease.[133] Since the release of her third album, Good Girl Gone Bad, [Rihanna's] has become a sex symbol and also set herself apart from other R&B starlets,[134] opting for designer couture over belly-baring crop tops.[135] Sonya Magett of Black Voices reported that Rihanna's style has become quite risqué since she burst on the scene 4 years ago.[136] In 2008, she constantly surprised, switching from pretty and sweet in pastels on the red carpet to dominatrix-leaning wear on stage and at awards shows.[137][138] Rihanna's fashion and style also landed her on the list of People's 10 Best Dressed Stars of 2008.[139] Glamour also awarded Rihanna with the seventeenth most glamorous woman of 2009 out of fifty. Glamour also commented on Rihanna's style saying "rockstar of leading ladies" and "She almost can’t make a style mistake right now.” They also said her "little-bit-punky, very-much-girly look still entrances readers."[140][141] They also commented on Rihanna's fashion risks saying "If style risks could be measured in miles, Rihanna would have criss-crossed the globe a thousand times over already."[142]Rihanna's image has also been identified as a sex symbol. Regal of the Associated Content stated that Rihanna quickly acquired a more mature and definitely sexier look.[citation needed] In 2007, she ranked #8 in Maxim's 2007 Hot 100 list;[143] she then ranked #15 on 2008 Hot 100 list the following year.[144] In June 2007, Rihanna was named 2007 Venus Breeze’s "Celebrity Legs Of A Goddess" by Gillette.[145] Margeaux Watson of Entertainment Weekly wrote an article entitled "Rihanna: Diva of the year" which he refers to her breakout success of 2008.[146] In 2009, Maxim named Rihanna the eighth-sexiest woman on earth.[147] This made Rihanna the only female of African descent in the top twenty.
Rihanna's tattoos have drawn much media attention.[148] She has a total of thirteen known tattoos,[149] including a music note tattoo on her ankle; a Pisces sign behind her right ear;[150][151] a Sanskrit prayer going down her hip; a star in her left ear;[152] the word "love" on her left middle finger;[153] an Arabic phrase, meaning "Freedom is God", on her ribcage area; a trail of stars going down the back of her neck;[154][155] a skull with a pink hair bow; the phrase "shhh..." on her right index finger;[156][157] the date 11.4.86 in Roman numerals on top of her left shoulder[158] a henna-style dragon claw including hibiscus flowers;[159][160] a handgun under her right armpit; and a six-word phrase on her chest.
Her gun tattoo was planned to be just below her shoulders but was ultimately located on her ribcage.[161][162] In answer to criticism for her violence-themed tattoo,[163][164][165] Keith "Bang Bang" McCurdy, her tattoo artist, was quick to explain his opinion that the image simply "represents strength and power".[166][167][168][169] Her most recent tattoo is on her chest and reads, "Never a failure, always a lesson". She had it tattoed backwards, McCurdy says, because she wanted to be able to read it in the mirror. When he asked why she wanted it, she said that it was her "motto in life for everything".[170]
Relations with Barbados
Rihanna is heavily involved in the marketing of her native country of Barbados.[171] She began by including the flag and broken trident in many of her videos, also shooting her album packaging for A Girl Like Me there.[171] In September 2007, she became the official face of tourism for Barbados, being included in many of their ad campaigns. She currently holds an honourary title of Ambassador for Culture and Youth in Barbados.[172] She additionally was honored by the Prime Minister David Thompson, who presented her several gifts at a national concert on 20 February 2008 in Barbados, called "Rihanna Day".[173][174] Regardless, In February 2008, Rihanna thanked her country and honoured them during the acceptance speech for her win of "Best Rap/Sung Collaboration" at the Grammy Awards.[3] Although Rihanna is heavily involved in the promotion of her country and works with the government in Barbados to do so, she is constantly criticized and ridiculed[175] for everything from her music, her successes and for wearing "skimpy clothes".[176][177] Rihanna speaking on the incident, "I went to the beach and I had on a one-piece swimsuit with jeans, They took the picture and they made it look like a top that was really revealing. There were radio programmes about it. It was a big deal for, like, three weeks straight - talking about I'm not setting a good example."[178] Rihanna also states she was bullied at school. "Having lighter skin wasn’t a problem in my household, but it was when I went to school — which really confused me at first. The harassment continued to my very last day of elementary school."[179]They also mentioned that Rihanna was too young for Def Jam to push her as a "sex symbol", making a plea that she cover up.[180] The media and The Nation newspaper constantly make personal attacks and have shown lack of support and encouragement.[181] Rihanna spoke out against the scrutiny to Entertainment Weekly[182] stating, "They all hate me. I didn’t have to talk about them. I didn’t have to even mention that I’m from Barbados. But I do and people kind of take it for granted. They hate me. They talk shit about me all the time. But I’m like, "Whatever. I’m still doing this cause I love to do it and you’re not going to stop me".[175] Media fought back with letters to Rihanna publicly via a Barbadian newspaper, "[what she said] sounds as if though she is doing us a favour. If God didn't give us a Rihanna, he would have given us someone else. So don't ever for a second get to thinking you are irreplaceable, Rihanna"[183] and "Her putting Barbados on the map is nonsense. Barbados was well on the map before she came along; and will be when she is gone".[184] Her mentor and music producer Evan Rogers spoke out to the media stating that Rihanna subsequently "formed her impression of any Bajan dislike from the reception she received at the recent Barbados Music Awards where," according to Rogers, "It was disappointing the way some people reacted as if they were almost rooting against her".[185]
Other ventures
Products and endorsements
In October 2005, Rihanna struck her first endorsement deal with Secret Body Spray[186] for them to sponsor her first tour.[187] In 2006, Rihanna participated in several endorsement deals, including Nike sportswear for the launch of her "SOS"[188] and J. C. Penney. In 2007, Rihanna signed with CoverGirl and became a celebrity spokesperson which included appearances on TV commercials[189][190] and in the Barbados Tourism Authority's tourism commercials. She also received an endorsement deal from Clinique in 2006 to promote their Happy fragrance.[191] She recorded a song written by Ne-Yo entitled "Just Be Happy" as part of the deal to promote their Happy fragrance. Rihanna also recorded a song called "Winning Women" with Pussycat Doll Nicole Scherzinger for P&G's female deodorant Secret.In December 2008, Rihanna contracted with Gucci to appear in their ads for the Tattoo Heart Collection, a special-edition line.[192][193] In the Gucci handbag ad, Rihanna is seen hanging from a giant hoop, scantily clad in a barely-there white bodysuit and wearing an oversized white Gucci purse.[194] The success of her single, "Umbrella" also inked an endorsement deal with Totes.[195][196] Her handlers pitched her hit "Umbrella" to Totes and the song became the soundtrack for commercials in which she starred.[197] On April 8, 2009, it was announced that Rihanna inked a fragrance deal with Jay-Z’s licensing company Iconic Fragrances.[198] Iconic Fragrance will launch the fragrance in the summer of 2010.[199][200] Rihanna confirmed whilst on the radio show "Valentine In The Morning" that her new fragrance is called "Route 22".[201] Rihanna is working with her artistic director for Rated R, Simon Henwood, on the book Rihanna: The Last Girl on Earth. It is scheduled for release on June 29, 2010.[202][203]
Other projects
In 2007, Rihanna began showing interest in making film appearances.[204] She made her acting debut in a cameo role to the film Bring It On: All or Nothing, released on August 8, 2006.[117] During this time, she stated that singing was always the bigger picture, but she definitely wants to get into acting as well.[117] Rihanna also made an appearance as the central character in Kanye West's music video "Paranoid".[205]Philanthropy
Rihanna created her Believe Foundation in 2006 to help terminally ill children.[206][207] Rihanna explained her reasons for starting the Foundation saying, "When I was young and I would watch television and I would see all the children suffering, I always said: when I grow up, I want to help."[208] Rihanna has also performed a number of concerts to raise funds for both charities and the Foundation and is also a 2008 Cartier Love Charity Bracelet Ambassador. She performed at Madonna’s Raising Malawi fundraiser on February 6, 2008 in New York City.[209] After becoming an honorary cultural ambassador for Barbados, Rihanna became involed with DKMS, an international donor network based in Tübingen, Germany, to try to find a donor for Lisa Gershowitz Flynn.[210] She was diagnosed in November with acute myelogenous leukemia.[211]In January 2008, Rihanna contributed in the fight against AIDS when she visited the H&M in New York to support Fashion Against AIDS by presenting her t-shirt design and signing autographs for a limited time with slogans like "Believe" and "Stop and Think."[212] The collection features t-shirts and hoodies designed by Rihanna, Timbaland and other well-known designers, musicians and artists.[213] The line, called Fashion Against AIDS, was launched in February 2008 to raise awareness of the disease among teens and spread awareness about HIV/AIDS.[214] In August 2008, Rihanna and other pop, rock, R&B and country singers such as Carrie Underwood, Ciara, Beyoncé Knowles, Leona Lewis, Mary J. Blige, Mariah Carey, and Fergie recorded the charity single, "Just Stand Up!", the theme song to the anti-cancer campaign Stand Up to Cancer and its theme song.[215] The singers performed the song live on September 5, 2008.[216] In 2008, Rihanna was selected as the spokesmodel for Gucci’s first United Nations Children's Fund ad campaign.[217] She appeared in the fashion house’s Tattoo Heart campaign, which premiered in December 2008.[218] Rihanna was photographed in series of special edition print ads with United Nations Children's Fund items, twenty-five percent of sales will benefit the children’s charity.[219]
On November 19, 2008, Rihanna was enlisted by Gucci's Frida Giannini along with Madonna to light the United Nations Children's Fund Christmas snowflake in New York City at the Grand Army Plaza.[220] In 2008, she became the global representative and the face of the 4th annual Gucci Campaign to Benefit United Nations Children's Fund. The campaign aimed to raise funds for children in Africa through the sale of its Tattoo Heart collection of bags, which launched worldwide on November 19, 2008.[221] Rihanna has also been apart of many benefit concerts to help raise money for various illnesses, such as cancer for Hope Rocks.[222] Rihanna performed on January 20, 2009 at the Recording Industry Association of America's Presidential Inauguration Charity Ball to raise money for the world largest anti-hunger organization.[223][224][225]
On April 2, 2009, Rihanna visited the NYU Medical Center to help look for another bone marrow donor for a young girl named Jasmina Anema.[226][227] Rihanna first learned about Anema's plight in February 2009, when she saw the moving video Anema's best friend, Isabelle Huurman, and her mother, Karen Detrick, made appealing for donors to save Anema.[228] Rihanna honored Anema's best friend, Isabella, for her efforts for trying to save her best friend at a DKMS Gala on May 7, 2009. Jasmina Anema eventually received her transplant on June 11, 2009,[229][230][231] but died on January 27, 2010.[232] In September 2009, Rihanna performed at Jay-Z's "Answer to Call" concert, which paid tribute to the police officers and firefighters who died on the September 11 attacks.[233]
Main article: Rihanna discography
- Music of the Sun (2005)
- A Girl Like Me (2006)
- Good Girl Gone Bad (2007)
- Rated R (2009)
- Rihanna 2006 Tour (2006)
- The Good Girl Gone Bad Tour (2007–09)
- Rihanna Believe Tour (2008)
- Glow in the Dark Tour (2008)
- Rated R Tour (2010)
Main article: List of awards and nominations received by Rihanna
See also
Minggu, 21 Maret 2010
skype with be loved princess
hey michaelaaa i miss you so muchh,tadi aku skypean tapi bentar doang cuma 44 detik :P gak papa yang penting gw dah dapet be loved princess gw hoalalalala i miss youu so much kangen sama kamu :))
ni fotonya cuma dapet dua doang but dont worry :
lucu gak? I MISS YOU MICHAELA :")
ni fotonya cuma dapet dua doang but dont worry :
lucu gak? I MISS YOU MICHAELA :")
Sabtu, 20 Maret 2010
20 maret 2010 (maaf telat)
huh tadi dia bilang gk jadi eh pas di bujuk sama temen-teman akhirnya dia jadi ikut,senangnya nangisnyaa di batalin deh mana pas mau pergi cika sama riri pake manas manasin ke mamie pake bilang jamet pacarnyaa dll. :P hahaha sabar bell sabarr,oke kita jalan cika sama maman riri sama alul dan gw sama aji.ckckckc ampe sana beli tiket truss nunggu dulukan eh tau taunyaa ada si cika cika tuh lah si cikapunk (biar beda namanya) langsung kesel gitu dan dah maless gw sih ya biasa aja karna gw gk punya masalah sama dia tapi si cika dah males aja ngikut gitu sabar ya cik akhirnya nontn dehh... "he held my hand tightly and a leaned on his shoulder" hahahahaha pas pulang bannya ari bocor akhirnya kita tambal ban dulu sekalian nungguin ujan,hahha cukup lama sih dia minjemin jaketnya ke gw,hahahaha trus pas ujannya reda dan bannya gk bocor kita pulang pas dijalan pulang kan bareng sama argan,emir,ari,cika,riri,alul,maman,cika tri,gw,aji sama yudis, avi.... dia nganterin gw ampe rumah haha yaudah gw bilang aja makasih yaaa :)) ahh pokoknya hari yang gk bisa di lupain dah love banget banget :)))))))))
ini tiket nontnnya,hhahahah
Jumat, 19 Maret 2010
cry-rihanna :(((
I'm not the type to get my heart broken
I'm not the type to get upset and cry
Cause I never leave my heart open
Never hurts me to say goodbye
Relationships don't get deep to me
Never got the whole in love thing
And someone can say they love me truely
But at the time it didn't mean a thing
My mind is gone, i'm spinning round
And deep inside, my tears i'll drown
I'm losing grip, what's happening
I stray from love, this is how I feel
This time was different
Felt like, I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now i'm, in this condition
And i've, got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry
Did it happen when we first kissed
Cause it's hurting me to let it go
Maybe cause we spent so much time
And I know that it's no more
I shoulda never let you hold me baby
Maybe why i'm sad to see us apart
I didn't give to you on purpose
Gotta figure out how you stole my heart
My mind is gone, i'm spinning round
And deep inside, my tears i'll drown
I'm losing grip, what's happening
I stray from love, this is how I feel
This time was different
Felt like, I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now i'm, in this condition
And i've, got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry
How did I get here with you, i'll never know
I never meant to let it get so, personal
After all I tried to do, stay away from loving you
I'm broken hearted, I can't let you know
And I won't let it show
You won't see me cry
This time was different
Felt like, I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now i'm, in this condition
And i've, got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry
This time was different
Felt like, I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now i'm, in this condition
And i've, got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry
All my life...
I'm not the type to get upset and cry
Cause I never leave my heart open
Never hurts me to say goodbye
Relationships don't get deep to me
Never got the whole in love thing
And someone can say they love me truely
But at the time it didn't mean a thing
My mind is gone, i'm spinning round
And deep inside, my tears i'll drown
I'm losing grip, what's happening
I stray from love, this is how I feel
This time was different
Felt like, I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now i'm, in this condition
And i've, got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry
Did it happen when we first kissed
Cause it's hurting me to let it go
Maybe cause we spent so much time
And I know that it's no more
I shoulda never let you hold me baby
Maybe why i'm sad to see us apart
I didn't give to you on purpose
Gotta figure out how you stole my heart
My mind is gone, i'm spinning round
And deep inside, my tears i'll drown
I'm losing grip, what's happening
I stray from love, this is how I feel
This time was different
Felt like, I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now i'm, in this condition
And i've, got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry
How did I get here with you, i'll never know
I never meant to let it get so, personal
After all I tried to do, stay away from loving you
I'm broken hearted, I can't let you know
And I won't let it show
You won't see me cry
This time was different
Felt like, I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now i'm, in this condition
And i've, got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry
This time was different
Felt like, I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now i'm, in this condition
And i've, got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry
All my life...
insonmiaaaaaaaaaa :(((((
ayampun bukan karna gw deg degkan besok tapi karna kemaren pas lagi smsan kan gw nanya "besk kut gk?" balesnya lama jam 9 dan gw ketiduran truss gw bangun sekitar jam 11an trus gw liat sms dari dia sama cika dia bales gini "tau dah (emang gw pikirin)" gitu yaudah gw bales aja yaudah... saking keselnya dan cika sms gw tentang yg kemaren dan udah saking males ngebalesnya gw bales aja MALESSS -,--- gimana engga pas udah dpt sms kayak gitu kayak gk niat ngajaknya sabar ni gw nulis sambl ngasih karna lo ampe malem dan gw juga gk bisa tidur cuma mikirin sms sependek dan gk mutu kyk gitu pasjam 11 tuh gw pengen cika bls sms gw tapi ternyata engg gw pengen cerita smuanyaaa emang itu masalah sepele tapi dalem dan sms itu bikin gw males buat ikut klo gw udah ada di rumah cika tapi gak ada aji gimana? trus yg dateng maman sama alul doang? malesss banget kan udah pke baju rapih tapi orangnya gak ada sama sekali dan tuh bikin gw malu -,------- mungkin gw nangis ampe kejer juga karna mamie sama papie yang selalu neken gw buat apa jadi yang dia mau seakan gw boneka yang mau di apain aja gk bakalan nolak dan saat itu gw lagi cekcok sama aji -,- keapa air mata ini gak bisa berhenti mungkin karna gw sayang sama dia karna dia bisa sebagai pengganti mamie sama papie yang gk pernah bisa ada di sisi gw slalu gk ada yang bilang sayang sama gw kecuali aji :""( karna gw di rumah cuma anak kecil yang gk tau apa-apa semoga aji liat dan bisa ngertiin keadaan di rumah gw atau apalah... tapi pleasee hargain klo gw ada di samping lo bukan kayak mamie sama papie yuang slalu ngebuat gw jadi boneka diaaaaaaaaaa >.<
besokkkk :||||
yaallah gw deg degkan banget dah besok yaa semoga jadi karna itu moment terpenting buat gw,cka,riri hoalaaaahh semakin gw ngeyal apa yang terjadi besok semakin gw tambah deg degkan -,-------- tolong gw tapi mau gimana (maklum pertama kali) nanti ngapain aja nanti di sana ngapin aja teruss gimana pulangny gimana nanti gimana dan bla bla bla bla bla :P takut banget gw nanti penampilang salah dikit komentar nanti ini nanti itu dan bla bla blaaaaa semoga besok bisa jadi hari bersejarah dan segalanya dahhhh :))))))
doaakan yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
doaakan yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Senin, 15 Maret 2010
15 maret 2010 - 16 maaret 2010
15 maret...
hoammm bangun tidus ku teru makan baru mandi truss berangkat ke rumah cika berangkat sekolahnya barang cikapunk dahhh -,--- hahahah seperti biasa naek angkot trus dari depan ke sekolah jalan kaki ampe ngos ngosan :P nyampe sekolah dengerin orang ceramh tapi blm ampe selesai anak- anak jybangker udah pada kabur kita akhirnya mein kerumah ane kan rumahnya di villa dago lo taukan dari depan villa dago ke parangkritis tuh jauhnya naujubulah.. kita tuh jalan tau gak? pas udah deket gitu omastokan jalnnya nyeker (ya allh bahasa gw) ehh sepatu yang tuh anak pegang nyebur ke got villa dago yang dalem tuh akhirnya s i cikapunk turun tangan ngambil sepatu masto,wkwkwkwk akhirnya kita sampe juga di rumah ane pegelnyaaaa.. tapi di situ gw aneh banget karna gw diemm aja ngeliat temen-temen gw pada foto" gw gak mau dan diemnya gw tuh ampe NANGIS dan gw juga gak tau apa sebabnya (?) oke dah kyknya gitu pas gw mau pulang ehhh aji,bob,ijul,dika dateng kermh ane :P bentar doang sih trusss balik lagi dah. truss dia balik gw juga balik dah...
16 maret 2010
hari liburrrrrrrrrrrrrr bangun pagii... nulis blog dan katanya mau pergi GAK JADI gara-gara adek gw yang ngerubah rencana lagian jadi anak sok tua banget sih lo >.< gw ah malesssss yaaa
udah yaaagw ape nulis ni bloggg.. dah (GW BENCI ADEK GW)
hoammm bangun tidus ku teru makan baru mandi truss berangkat ke rumah cika berangkat sekolahnya barang cikapunk dahhh -,--- hahahah seperti biasa naek angkot trus dari depan ke sekolah jalan kaki ampe ngos ngosan :P nyampe sekolah dengerin orang ceramh tapi blm ampe selesai anak- anak jybangker udah pada kabur kita akhirnya mein kerumah ane kan rumahnya di villa dago lo taukan dari depan villa dago ke parangkritis tuh jauhnya naujubulah.. kita tuh jalan tau gak? pas udah deket gitu omastokan jalnnya nyeker (ya allh bahasa gw) ehh sepatu yang tuh anak pegang nyebur ke got villa dago yang dalem tuh akhirnya s i cikapunk turun tangan ngambil sepatu masto,wkwkwkwk akhirnya kita sampe juga di rumah ane pegelnyaaaa.. tapi di situ gw aneh banget karna gw diemm aja ngeliat temen-temen gw pada foto" gw gak mau dan diemnya gw tuh ampe NANGIS dan gw juga gak tau apa sebabnya (?) oke dah kyknya gitu pas gw mau pulang ehhh aji,bob,ijul,dika dateng kermh ane :P bentar doang sih trusss balik lagi dah. truss dia balik gw juga balik dah...
16 maret 2010
hari liburrrrrrrrrrrrrr bangun pagii... nulis blog dan katanya mau pergi GAK JADI gara-gara adek gw yang ngerubah rencana lagian jadi anak sok tua banget sih lo >.< gw ah malesssss yaaa
udah yaaagw ape nulis ni bloggg.. dah (GW BENCI ADEK GW)
Minggu, 14 Maret 2010
13 maret 2010 - 14 maret 2010
ini emang telat nulisnya tapi gak papa dong..haha sebenernya kemarin tuh gw 2 bulan sama dia.. tapi kemaren gk gancit,hahah biarlah tapi gw seneng karna ada jybangker abis dari bsr kita seruseruan bareng di rumah cika kita foto-foto banyak dah bikin hal-hal aneh :P tapi gw suka banget sama jybangker love love banget karna setiap gw punya masalh kalian mau bantu di rumah cika gw dari yang tadinya rame ada 11 jadi ada 15 (my boyfriend,ijul -,-,alul,maman) trussss yang cowo pada balik lagi. yaudah kita beli makanan dan makanannya abis dalam sekejap kita bikin video yang menurt kalian ini aneh tap buat jybangker enggak sama sekali itu amat sangat lucu mungkin klo lo liat lo bakal ketawa ngakak banget banget di jamin dah! haha kita pada nyanyi nyanyi seperti biasa karna itu salah satu kesukaan jybangker yang paling keren saat masto manjat pohon dan foto kita yang di bawah dari atas tuh keren bangett top top :) pas udah selesai pas juga maman,alul,argan,yudis,pile,adi (kykynya udah) dateng natnya biar cikamaman sama ririalul trusss udah agak lama mreka pulang dan sebwgian anak jybangker juga ada dan sisnya gw,riri,nanad,jati,cika (karna cika yg pya rumh) haha kita pengen pulang tapi nungguin motornya cika buset dah lama banget pas datng kirain gw langsung gitu ternya mash mau di pake trus mbnya cika bilang "bentar yaa 15 menit lagi udah balik ko" oke kita mah basa ajaa tau taunyaaa hampir 1 jam kita nunggu ampe magrib :P akhirnya tuh mba nongol lagi dan lagi lagi masih mau di pake pulang cuma ngambil yang ketingalan mbanya cika blng gini lagi "bentar yaa 5 menit juga udah balik lagi kok" riri langsung ngoml tadi bilang 15 ment tanya satu jam udah ampe magrib pula sekarng nunggu 5 menit ntrr 30 menit baru nongol lagi dah.. dah gitu akhirnya balik dan w nebeng ampe indomaret doang soan om ge udah jemput.. hahaha yaudah dah ampe rumah langsung dapet ceramh yang panjag dari mamie kamu tuh cewe gak blh plng malem and b la bla bla panjang dah kyk kereta dari pada dengr th cermh gw mandi aja ehh kirain gw udah selesai taunya enggak makin panjang tu ceraah -,-- sabar ya bell,pas gitu yaudah dah gw cape abis diceramahin gw ketiduran deh ehh paginya ada sms dari aji dia bilang dia minta maaf gara" pas duabulanan gw bisa nemenin gw.. gak tau kenapa ada rasa seneng aja gitu,haha
oke gw bangun dan dpt sms yang tuh seperti biasa menjalankan aktfitasss di hari minggu dan itu bikin gw bt.. main gak blh ini gak boleh smuanya aja gak blh! dan sampe sekrng gw juga masih ngetik.. dah ah cape dah blog good bye see you :)
ini emang telat nulisnya tapi gak papa dong..haha sebenernya kemarin tuh gw 2 bulan sama dia.. tapi kemaren gk gancit,hahah biarlah tapi gw seneng karna ada jybangker abis dari bsr kita seruseruan bareng di rumah cika kita foto-foto banyak dah bikin hal-hal aneh :P tapi gw suka banget sama jybangker love love banget karna setiap gw punya masalh kalian mau bantu di rumah cika gw dari yang tadinya rame ada 11 jadi ada 15 (my boyfriend,ijul -,-,alul,maman) trussss yang cowo pada balik lagi. yaudah kita beli makanan dan makanannya abis dalam sekejap kita bikin video yang menurt kalian ini aneh tap buat jybangker enggak sama sekali itu amat sangat lucu mungkin klo lo liat lo bakal ketawa ngakak banget banget di jamin dah! haha kita pada nyanyi nyanyi seperti biasa karna itu salah satu kesukaan jybangker yang paling keren saat masto manjat pohon dan foto kita yang di bawah dari atas tuh keren bangett top top :) pas udah selesai pas juga maman,alul,argan,yudis,pile,adi (kykynya udah) dateng natnya biar cikamaman sama ririalul trusss udah agak lama mreka pulang dan sebwgian anak jybangker juga ada dan sisnya gw,riri,nanad,jati,cika (karna cika yg pya rumh) haha kita pengen pulang tapi nungguin motornya cika buset dah lama banget pas datng kirain gw langsung gitu ternya mash mau di pake trus mbnya cika bilang "bentar yaa 15 menit lagi udah balik ko" oke kita mah basa ajaa tau taunyaaa hampir 1 jam kita nunggu ampe magrib :P akhirnya tuh mba nongol lagi dan lagi lagi masih mau di pake pulang cuma ngambil yang ketingalan mbanya cika blng gini lagi "bentar yaa 5 menit juga udah balik lagi kok" riri langsung ngoml tadi bilang 15 ment tanya satu jam udah ampe magrib pula sekarng nunggu 5 menit ntrr 30 menit baru nongol lagi dah.. dah gitu akhirnya balik dan w nebeng ampe indomaret doang soan om ge udah jemput.. hahaha yaudah dah ampe rumah langsung dapet ceramh yang panjag dari mamie kamu tuh cewe gak blh plng malem and b la bla bla panjang dah kyk kereta dari pada dengr th cermh gw mandi aja ehh kirain gw udah selesai taunya enggak makin panjang tu ceraah -,-- sabar ya bell,pas gitu yaudah dah gw cape abis diceramahin gw ketiduran deh ehh paginya ada sms dari aji dia bilang dia minta maaf gara" pas duabulanan gw bisa nemenin gw.. gak tau kenapa ada rasa seneng aja gitu,haha
oke gw bangun dan dpt sms yang tuh seperti biasa menjalankan aktfitasss di hari minggu dan itu bikin gw bt.. main gak blh ini gak boleh smuanya aja gak blh! dan sampe sekrng gw juga masih ngetik.. dah ah cape dah blog good bye see you :)
cukup tau
ini blog gw yang kesekian kali karna blog gw yang lainnya gak pernah di urusin dan somoga ini blog yang terakhir... hahaha LET'S BEGIN!
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