This appears to be Rihanna’s first tattoo. She got it around somewhere in 2006. It was obviously inspired by her fresh music career. Rihanna has once said that music is in her D.N.A. Now everyone can easily notice that music tunes are on her foot as well.
2. PISCES SIGN behind her right ear
3. SANSKRIT PRAYER going down her hip (2007)
4. A STAR in her left ear
5. AN ARABIC PHRASE on her ribcage area
6. A TRAIL OF STARS going down her back
The tattoo appears on her left ankle and it was done durning her stay in Miami.
8. LOVE word on her left middle finger
9. THE “Shhh…” phrase on her right index finger (June 08)
This one is the most inspiring of her tattoos. It was already copied by Lindsay Lohan and Lily Allen. Many fans has also decided to get one exactly like Rihanna’s.
10. THE DATE ‘4.11.1986? on top of her left shoulder
Rihanna has decided to tattoo birthday date of her best friend Melissa on her left shoulder. Melissa did a very same tattoo just after her.
11. TRIBAL SIGN (Nov 08)
12. A HANDGUN (march 09)
Durning her LA getaway Rihanna has flew her tattoist Bang Bang from NYC to her home in the Hills. She has decided to give a tattoo as a birthday gift to her friend. And at the same time she has decided to get one for herself.
13. “Never a failure, always a lesson” motto in mirror writing (December 2009)
“I asked her why she wanted that and she said, ‘It’s kind of my motto in life for everything.’ Instead of considering things to be mistakes, considering them lessons.” “She said that she wanted to do it in gray, rather than black, because she wanted it to be more subtle,” explains Bang Bang. “She didn’t want it to draw too much attention.”